Wednesday, September 29, 2010

new projects

I've been staining some paper with tea. Here's what I decided to do with it.

I'll share a tutorial & what I plan to do with this soon!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New garlands

Listed two new garlands a couple days ago...

This one reminds me of those delicious gingerbread cookies that you can buy at IKEA. Hop on over here to see it.

& another Halloween garland. This time, with spooky spiderwebs, cut into pennants. It's here.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Flickr Find

I am in love with this feather mobile, it's so magical!
Found on flickr, here.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Paper Flowers

It's been hard to keep up with this blogging thing. I'll try to be more vigilant with my posting. I might try every Thursday, or something.

So, I've been working on a few things lately. I've been trying to find an easy tutorial on how to make a paper rose, without having to make fancy cuts or folding. I found this easy tutorial on youtube and made my version:

Now mine don't look as great as the tutorial, but I'm getting there. I made mine larger (7 inch squares) than the tutorial, and used white cardstock instead. I hot glued it to a mini clothespin. Right now, it's holding together a coiled up strip of my kraft packing tape. I also have a poppy version:

Instructions are here, from Martha Stewart. I scaled this one way down, I don't remember my dimensions though. I'll have to play around with this one a bit more, but it is a lot easier than the rose. Especially now that I have one of these!

Eventually, once I make a whole bunch, I'll list them in my etsy shop! :) How much would you spend for one of these? Would you be more likely to buy it if it had a magnet attached instead of a clothespin?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ikea love

It's so unfair that there isn't an Ikea near me. Because I seriously want, no, NEED this dandelion pendant light!

It's quite large, actually, with a diameter of 32 inches, it's pretty clear that this is too huge for my house...for the time being. It's not cheap either ($90.00) and in true Ikea fashion, requires complete assembly, that's 183 individual pieces.

Look how dreamy they look, hanging above the table. Oh well, someday... :)

Friday, September 10, 2010


Just as soon as I listed my newest garland:

I got featured in two treasuries! Yay! :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Paper magic

Just had to share this recent find. Danish artist Peter Callesen cut these all from paper, amazing! Wish I had the patience. They're so breathtakingly inspiring!

Actually won something!

So, I was the one that won the butterfly garland from {The Ardent Sparrow} giveaway! Lucky me! If there are those of you that clicked on my name from Rebecca's site, I'm so happy to see you here. As you can tell, I haven't been at this blogging thing for long...I'm trying to get used to it. I really wonder how many people are actually reading these words that I'm typing, though. :) Well, those of you that are, thanks! :)